Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Papers available and project directions

So, under the suggestion of a database admin for the Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, I made myself a website. It's not the greatest thing and definitely still needs work. But within the projects page there are links to read the papers that I've written on a couple of the projects that I've talked about here.

I'm also thinking about redoing my Python Obstacle Avoidance program, either in python with cleaner code and a nice paper alongside of it to walk through the reasoning in the code itself, or to redo it in Matlab because I feel that Matlab's plotting functions could be of great use. Especially because I could make demo code that would show the algorithm working in real time and could animate a graph on screen to show what it is doing. I really like this idea, and despite moving away from Python, I feel like it will be really good. I'll either have to look up how to do lambda expressions in Matlab, or just throw away their use all together. (If you recall, I used lambda expressions to create functions that would return the value of y given an x, using an equation of a line that was the instance of the class itself.) They weren't necessary in the implementation and were mainly just me trying out something new.

The Smartboard is still coming along, and a paper is in the works for that one. I'm also going to probably be doing some small program in MIPS assembly pretty soon and will have to present it to a class I'm enrolled in, so that may make itself onto my website as well, and quite possibly this blog.
I'm also contemplating redoing the Budget Buddy in C# due to it's Visual Studio capabilities and how easy file IO is in C#, not to mention packaging into an exe. These are all things for the future, and hopefully I'll have time to do them!

Heres the URL to my website:

Hope you all enjoy.

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