Thursday, June 16, 2011

Cluster Goal Driven complete

Just a quick update, the third phase of the cluster project is complete! Only one more phase (albeit large) remains! The documentation im writing up with it is up to date as well!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Cluster AI so far

I realize it has been a while since my last update, I blame this on my poor internet quality and working a full time job. However, Despite these time consuming things, I'm up to the Cluster with Obstacles, which you didn't know. It was quite wonderful how I implemented the obstacles, or at least I think so. I used a splay tree to do it :) coding a splay tree in C++ was pretty interesting, and working out the kinks was a bit time consuming, ubut after a days work and 3 different implementations, I had a working splay tree.

I just started working on Cluster Goal Driven a few days ago but haven't had time to really work on it too much yet, hopefully I can do that on sunday, we'll find out. Stay tuned for few and far between updates!