Thursday, January 17, 2013

Brain Fuck Interpreter. I made one

So After a couple of days I've scrapped together my small amount of knowledge of C and created a BrainFuck interpreter.

It was pretty simple since all you're really doing is manipulating a Turing Machine. But creating the interactive bits was fun and a good thought exercise.

There are a few ways to run it once you've compiled it.

Just run it with no arguments:
Gets you the interpreter. Where you can type in all the BF commands you'd like, or comments as long as they don't include 'q' becuase 'q' is the quit key.

arguments of -f filename will read in a file and that file will be fed to the BF translator and outputted according to whatever program you decide.

arguments of anything else: will be taken as BF code and interpreted.

It's a pretty basic program, but it was a good exercise, and I'm going to refactor the code a bit. A friend of mine pointed out that the headers should be just declarations and not full blown source code.

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