So for some reason, I got to thinking while I was lying in bed about sockets, and how to have two computer talking and transferring data between each other and whatnot. And I've decided to try to teach myself some stuff and get a basic talking system between two computer up.
This line of thought led me a lot of places, and I'm not sure I can list them all, but heres the basics of what I want to do.
A program that will open and send or listen on a designated port. This will run on two systems, listening to each other. The programs will be call system commands to manipulate the device they reside on. So, the programs will test to see what system they're on. If they're running on windows, then they will write out their commands in batch and whatnot. If it's a mac or Ubunto, then python. Because most UNIX kernels have python installed automatically.
I figure, once it's written it's little helper program somewhere, the program will wait for the client on either of the other computers to send keyword commands, which will translate into calling the helper programs main function with designated variable flags. Bam.
So basically, I want to get some computers talking to each other over a very simple network, and then have them call functions, or rather, have some computer, call another computers functions. If all goes well and I get this working at all, then I guess I could do a lot of things. :)
Unfortunately, as I thought about this, I realized that if I could figure out a way to just straight up write to another computer without having to host myself onto it somehow, then I could basically be virus-ing it up.Or writing my own virus. Which, in my experiences, would probably just be a boom file. AKA A infinite recursive function that crashes a computer.
Not that I want to write viruses or anything, seriously I don't. I just want to get computers communicating with each other. Because, once I do that, then I get a main Head computer to talk to other littler computers. And once I have little computers listening and obeying commands from a head computer than I can get some awesome stuff going on, like swarm behavior in small robots that I could build and code!
My ambitions are high, but hey, it can be done!
Also, I found out that the MAGI system from evangelion has actually been made in Japan, only it has 4 computers, (Mary is the 4th) and it does research on genetics. Kinda ironic, neh?
So, onto working, first things first, looking at some windows socket server programming!
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