So I've been thinking about my new idea I came up with last night. And I've made a little bit of progress with using batch and c++. Also known as, calling a c++ program from cmd.exe. So, I know I can call batch commands from c++ using System() so I'm going to attempt to call a c++ program from another c++ program using batch commands. This should be interesting in the very least.
The program's names are Bob and Alice, which are a nod towards the RSA crypto-system, and also to the alphabet and the chivalrous code that lady's come first. Anyway. So Once I figure out how to do this, I can begin to do the socket programming required for Bob and Alice to communicate over distance. AKA Communicate over two different computers, or a network. Once I can do this, then Bob can effectively act as the command, and pass orders to Alice, who will then be able to pass these directions onto her children. The same way, a father might pass on a chain of command through his wife to his children. I'm so full of analogies today it seems.
Also, I just finished reading a very good explanation of the Theory of General Relativity , which oddly enough, I found on 4chans /sci board. Which is where I go when I need help with my rather irritating complex Discrete Math homework. (Trust me, when you work on a problem for 3 hours with no results, you need another opinion, even a troll's).
Also, an irritating ex-girlfriend IM-ed me out of the blue and proceeded to bug me about trivial things. I swear, the second I mention I'm coming home on any frequency she might hear about it, she starts to bug me some more. I don't think she's fully recovered from my breaking up with her. Even if I did do it quite cruelly, she should have moved on, considering she has a new boyfriend and a child on the way because said boyfriend.
Also, I really want to read the book "I am a Strange Loop" apparently it has good and interesting theories about the meaning of self. Which is always a good mental exercise, one which I haven't thought about since I was reading up on Freud's theories of ego, id, and super-ego or was it super id? Ego I think. anyway, Taylor Swift is having a concert in Foxboro Mass, which is kinda close to where I live, a few hours away. I really want to go. Even if it's a giant stadium and I probably wouldn't be able to see her, it'd be really cool to see her live, or hear her at least. Which is what I'm doing now; hearing her I mean.
So anyway, I was quite bold last night! My roommate has been a bit sick lately, and I was attempting to be quiet while he attempted to go to sleep. (Lot's of attempting on going here) And some of our floor mates were beign very loud in the hallway outside our room. Did I mention it was 12:45 ish at night? No? well it was. And I can hear his grumbling and tossing, trying to get to sleep. Now, he has enough trouble getting to sleep with me staying up, because my laptop's fan is obnoxiously loud, let alone with dumb-asses yelling. So, I opened the door, poked my head out. And asked them if they could quiet down because my roommate was trying to sleep. Surprisingly, all 4 of them seemed to listen, though they did get a little but noisier after a few minutes. Which I guess is understandable because when you're having a good time, you tend to get loud. (Ask my ex girlfriends ;) ) But they did quiet down when they realized it, and they all vacated the hall after a bit. Mission Accomplished! Good roommateness has been achieved! Or at least some, considering I stayed up for a few more minutes.
I think one of my favorite song's is Innocent, and should have said no. Both are rather emotional, and have that ballad-y feel to them that I really enjoy. I think one of the main reasons Taylor Swift attracts my attention is because, I've always had a soft spot for higher pitched voices, and especially those that can sing. So she fits the bill for nice voice that I like to listen to. She also fits the bill for being a tall blond with a beautiful face. (God those cheekbones are adorable!) Cough, anyway.
It's 2:30, and even though I don't have classes tomorrow, I do have quite a bit of work to do in preparation for finals this upcoming week. It's going to be odd going back home and working. Less pay, for more work. Kinda sad for me. But then again, the perks of my job back home are very nice.
for anyone who actually reads these blogs of mine (I know there aren't many people, if any) If you like interesting genber bending stories you might try the story of tucker by ehayes.
that should bring you to the index for the story, I'm currently on ch. 88? I think, I'm not sure. But it definitely is quite nice.
G'night all. Schlaf Gut
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