Alright, Cluser isn't a very good name so far, but I'll think of a better one. Anyway, the point is to have an object B (that is a box), and a goal point G, and a Cluster C of small workers that move the Box to the Goal by working together to rotate and push the box.
I've just started working on it, even though I did start working on something like it before, although I won't go into detail on it. Anyway, there are a few things I know I'm already going to do.
The box's state can be represented by an array that holds it's position and the amount of movement the box will move next step of the simulation, as well as the mass of the box. Also, if I want, I can create a boolean table that will tell whether a given part of the box is being pushed or not, this can be used by C to determine where to place it's members in order to push it. Makes sense?
Also, the Cluster will determine how to move the box based on the manhatten distance between it and the goal. So most of the time I expect the Box to be moving diagonally toward the goal. I'll create this project without obstacles first, but once I add in obstacles I'll probably move from an array to represent the space that C,B, and G live in to some type of Graph, and then I can start applying path finding algorithms (specfically Dijkstras A* algorithm) to the search space. Either that, or come up with my own way of dealing with it. (Minding that if I did want to use Graphs, obstacles would be nodes with HUGE weights/cost to traverse)
Alright, I've got the main ideas written in my notebook, and next I'll start coding up the classes and functions. I don't think this is going to be a very large project at all. Hopefully I'm wrong!
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