It's been a while since I've updated the running blog on the status of the 3d turret. Right now, I'm still working out a few bugs. But, I should have it figured out as soon as I find the time to do it. I've been very busy with schoolwork unfortunately. Not to mention trying to read library books on computer science before I have to return them. I did think of something today which I thought was worth posting about.
A problem I was running into was that I was measuring the distance traveled by the objects by their magnitude at a given time. This, while telling me if one will get there or not, is nice, but it doesn't actually tell me the difference between the actual distances they're traveling. When the projectile is fired, it travels in an arc of sorts, but the magnitude of it's vector only tells me how far away from the turret it is. Which is not what I want, I can use that information to see if the object is in range or not, but not for the estimation and leading part.
so, this is what I came up with: I'll have a running total for the distance traveled by the objects as oppose to a straight calculation based on it's magnitude. Since this will only introduce 2 more variables, I don't think this will effect the complexity of the algorithm too much either. Which is nice.
My main mistake in not doing this first, was that I was thinking too 2D ish for this 3D problem. But now I should be able to make some more progress!
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