I came up with a new idea to code! It will probably take up a good chunk of my nights during spring break
I simple turret that tracks and fires at objects in its pinging field, in 2d space. Once I get that working, I'll think about working in 3d space.
Here are a couple of my sketches for ideas:
ok, so the first image is how the ping system will work. The second is how the pings data will be used to determine the vector of the object being targeted. and the last is how the turret will estimate where to fire.
So this is how I plan to do it. No code yet!
Have the turret object which will hold its own cordinates in its plane, its angle of firing and a pointer to its projectile loaded.
The projectile object will have a velocity and x,y cordinates. (once I move to 3d space it will have mass and other things)
The target will have an x,y and a velocity and theta for movement.
Then there is the collections object that will store all these things. this will be used by the pings sent out by the turret to let the turret know the location of the target object.
A few of the details still need to be worked out. But I've got enough that I can start a basic console prototype
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